Terri Nunn—Lead Vocalist of New Wave Band Berlin—Guest 12/03/2015

Terri Nunn
Terri Nunn

Terri Nunn, known to millions as the lead singer of the 1980s new wave band Berlin, is an upcoming Ken Boxer Live guest. A vegetarian or vegan since the age of 19, Nunn has enjoyed a career spanning the heights of the performing arts, finding success and fame both as a singer and as an actress.

Born in Los Angeles, Nunn joined Berlin in 1978. Her greatest success with the band was their pantingly erotic 1986 smash hit, “Take My Breath Away,” with these memorable, heart-thumping opening lyrics:

Watchin’ every motion in my foolish lover’s game
On this endless ocean, finally lovers know no shame
Turnin’ and returning to some secret place inside
Watchin’ in slow motion as you turn around and say,
‘Take My Breath Away …’
      (Berlin, “Take My Breath Away,” 1986)

Watching Nunn perform on stage, gyrating to some invisible visceral beat, with her obvious high charisma and raw sex appeal, every teen-aged guy (and older) was transfixed to the edge of his seat!

Terri Nunn
“Take My Breath Away”

In addition Nunn acted in many television shows during the 1970s and ’80s, including T.J. Hooker and Lou Grant. She also auditioned for the role of Princess Leia in Star Wars.

And back in 1977, Nunn, under the pseudonym “Betsy Harris,” memorably posed nude for the February issue of Penthouse. Since she was technically still a minor at the time, she didn’t admit for many years that she was indeed “Betsy.”

Ken and Tai are revved up and set to engage in a very lively interview with the great Terri Nunn. Please join them.

For more biographical information about Terri Nunn, please visit her IMDb page.

We have limited seating available for audience members. If you would like complimentary tickets to our in-studio broadcast at the TVSB studios in Santa Barbara, please click here. This show tapes on Monday, November 30th. Audience members generally arrive by 6:30 pm and take their seats at 6:45 pm.

(This episode first airs Thursday, 12/03/2015, 10:00 PM, on TVSB-17, and is replayed numerous times throughout the following 14 days. You will find a complete schedule of times here. Additionally, a YouTube link to this episode, available about 24 hours before original airtime, will display immediately below.)

About Robert Boxer

Political Commentator . Economic/Foreign Policy Conservative . Software Engineer. Loves Jazz, Rock, and Classical Music. Political Blog: robertboxer.com. Celebrity Writer at kenboxerlive.com.

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