Leslie Zemeckis—Actress and Producer—Guest 10/01/2018

Leslie Zemeckis
Leslie Zemeckis

Our upcoming Ken Boxer Live guest is the actress and producer Leslie Zemeckis, best known for Beowulf (2007), A Christmas Carol (2009) and Mabel, Mabel, Tiger Trainer (2018). We are very happy to have her as our guest.

You may join us for this live interview event by requesting your complimentary tickets.

To quote her online biography:

Leslie Zemeckis
“The Hilton Sisters”

“Leslie Zemeckis is an actress, author and award-winning documentarian. She is also the co-author/creator of a one-woman cabaret show “Staar.” She wrote and produced a mockumentary film Staar: She’d Rather be a Mistress starring Carrie Fisher, Jeffrey Tambor and Fabio. She has acted opposite Tom Hanks, Michael Madsen, Anthony Hopkins and Colin Firth amongst others.

“Zemeckis wrote/produced and directed the critically acclaimed documentary Behind the Burly Q,  the true story of old-time burlesque. The film aired on Showtime and BskyB in the UK. The film was championed by such publications as USA Today and The New Yorker. An expert historian and chronicler of early American pop culture, her Behind the Burly Q is a bestseller and heralded as the definitive history of burlesque.”

So do join us for a very entertaining evening.

We have limited seating available for audience members. If you would like complimentary tickets to our in-studio broadcast at the TVSB studios in Santa Barbara, please click here. This show tapes on Monday, October 1st. Audience members generally arrive by 6:30 pm and take their seats at 6:45 pm.

(This episode first airs Thursday, 10/04/2018, 10:00 PM, on TVSB-17, and is replayed numerous times throughout the following 14 days. You will find a complete schedule of times here. Additionally, a YouTube link to this episode, available about 24 hours before original airtime, will display immediately below.)

About Robert Boxer

Political Commentator . Economic/Foreign Policy Conservative . Software Engineer. Loves Jazz, Rock, and Classical Music. Political Blog: robertboxer.com. Celebrity Writer at kenboxerlive.com.

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