Jerry Mathers, the “Beaver,” – Guest 02/13/2014

Jerry Mathers

Jerry Mathers

Jerry Mathers, the child star who played the role of “the Beaver” in the iconic television series “Leave It To Beaver,” will be our next guest on Ken Boxer Live. Jerry will talk about his early childhood career as an actor and his current projects.  For more information about Jerry, please visit

Jerry Mathers & Tony Dow

Jerry Mathers & Tony Dow

Host Ken Boxer says, “On a personal note, I am very much looking forward to this interview. My generation (Boomers) grew up watching Beaver, Wally, June, Ward, Eddie, Lumpy, Whitey, Gilbert, Miss Landers, and Judy during the 60s, names I can still rattle off easily from memory. Meeting such an iconic figure of American pop culture is exciting for me. I’m truly looking forward to this.”

(This episode first airs Thursday, 02/13/2014, 10:00 PM, on TVSB-17, and is replayed numerous times throughout the following 14 days. You will find a complete schedule of times hereAdditionally, a YouTube link to this episode, which should be available about 24 hours before original airtime, will display immediately below.)

About Robert Boxer

Political Commentator . Economic/Foreign Policy Conservative . Software Engineer. Loves Jazz, Rock, and Classical Music. Political Blog: Celebrity Writer at

1 thought on “Jerry Mathers, the “Beaver,” – Guest 02/13/2014

  1. I just recently started watching the original “Leave it To Beaver” on Netflix at night before I go to bed. I know it sounds weird, but I am hooked! I was so happy to find this recent interview with Jerry Mathers, that he turned out so well, and I found the whole show so interesting! thanks…..

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